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Center for Online Colleges: Maine
Maine partners with the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). In addition to ranking the best and most affordable online programs, information about tuition, financial aid, and school accreditation is provided as well as links to other pertinent resources.
External Website: Center for Online Colleges
College Navigator
A consolidated list of Maine schools--degree and certificate, private and public--are listed on the site along with brief descriptions and a detailed synopsis.
This National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) site allows you to drill down into information to help make the "best choice" school decision for you. It includes the "College Affordability and Transparency Center" at which the cost of schools can be calculated. At this site you can build a list of schools using "My Favorites" for side-by-side comparisons, pinpoint school locations on an interactive map and export search results into a spreadsheet.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.
External Website: National Center for Education Statistics
Factors to Consider When Choosing a School: A Guide Before Using the GI Bill® (October 2015)
The Department of Veterans Affairs published an easy-to-understand, quick reference booklet to assist veterans on their journey into and through postsecondary education. It covers exploring interests, degree and school selection, finances, and veteran-friendly campuses.
External Website: Department of Veterans Affairs "Choosing A School" Booklet
Financial Authority of Maine (FAME)
The Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) works to make higher education more accessible and affordable and to create quality jobs for Maine people. Some veterans or military servicemembers may want to seek out colleges and other schools that offer military-friendly services and benefits. Benefits may include Veterans Support Service Advisors, a Veterans Mentor Program, a Veterans Resource Center or special publications or website information focused on veterans. Ask schools what services they offer to veterans and their families.
- The Maine State Approving Agency is responsible for approving programs of education and training in Maine offered to individuals that receive GI Bill benefits, and maintaining a directory of these programs.
- FAME has a Maine College Search for a quick view of schools in Maine.
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Phone and Fax Numbers
1-800-228-3734 or 207-623-3263 and TTY: 207-626-2717 FAX: 207-623-0095
PO Box 949, 5 Community Drive Augusta, ME 04332-0949
External Website: Financial Authority of Maine
Maine Colleges and Universities
You can find public and private colleges and universities, community colleges, and state training academies on the State of Maine education site as well as a link to Federal Student Aid resources.
External Website:
Military Friendly Schools
G.I. Jobs offers their trademarked Military Friendly school search to simplify the military transition experience.
External Website: Military Friendly
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP): Education Assistance (September 15, 2014-September 14, 2016)
The Maine Department of Labor, through the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), help veterans learn about their benefits and coordinate with local partners to ensure veterans and their families receive them. The program duration is from September 15, 2014 to September 14, 2016.
If you are a veteran who transitioned from active military service to civilian life in Maine on or after August 26, 2012, you and your family may be eligible for assistance in one or more of the following areas:
Education: Matching your skills with educational opportunities.
Other areas the program addresses are:
Employment: Job search and training assistance. A Flexible Employment Fund (FEF) of $200,000 has been created to help transitioning veterans and qualified family members overcome barriers to obtaining or retaining employment. These funds can be used for needs such as: car repairs, transportation, uniforms, tools necessary for a job, and other obstacles to employment.
Healthcare: Medical and mental health.
If you live in Aroostook, Hancock, Knox, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington Counties:
Bangor CareerCenter: 561-4050 or 1-888-828-0568.
If you live in Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Lincoln, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and York Counties:
Greater Portland CareerCenter: 822-3300 or 1-877-594-5627.
The Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) is a partnership between the Maine Department of Labor, Department of Defense Veterans and Emergency Management/Bureau of Veterans Services, Maine Military and Community Network, Easter Seals Maine, and Northern Maine Development Commission.
Veteran Services: UMaine Augusta, UMaine Orono, & University of Southern Maine
University of Maine Augusta (UMA)
The University of Maine at Augusta has a dedicated team focused on supporting veterans to have a positive learning experience and achieve their academic goals.
Address: Student Center, 46 University Drive, Augusta ME 04330
Phone: 207-621-3215
Website: Veteran Services
Amy is the Coordinator of Veteran Services and the University Military Achievement Project (U-MAP), funded by a major grant from the Wal-Mart Foundation. She is a Navy veteran, UMA alumna, and adjunct faculty member who also serves as a Family Readiness Group member for active duty military.
University of Maine Orono (UMO): Veteran Education and Transition Services (VETS)
Per the university's web site: "The University of Maine's VETS Office serves student veterans as they apply to, attend and advance beyond UMaine. The Veterans Office connects student veterans with the resources they need to successfully transition from combat to classroom to career. This includes help navigating the admissions process, applying for financial aid and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits, academic assistance and preparing to re-enter the workforce."
Address: Veteran Education and Transition Services (VETS), Memorial Union/Room 143, Orono ME 04469
Phone: 207-581-1316
Website: UMaine Orono
University of Southern Maine (USM): Veteran Transition Program
The USM website states: "Veterans Services at the University of Southern Maine (USM) serves veterans, servicemembers, and their families, who are accessing U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs educational benefits, often referred to as the GI Bill. Services are provided on all three campuses (Portland, Gorham and Lewiston/Auburn). USM is a military-friendly campus and a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program for dependents. USM is also a Servicemembers Opportunity College (SOC)."
Coordinator of Veterans Services/VA School Certifying Official
122 Payson Smith Hall, inside the Financial Aid Office
Portland Campus
Phone: 207.780.5232
Veterans Resource Center
Woodbury Campus Center
(Next to the main entrance to the dining hall)
Portland Campus
Phone: 207.780.4826
Website: Veterans Services