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Other Education Resources
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Education Rankings and Advice
U.S. News & World Report is one site offering a host of information on colleges, universities, graduate programs, community colleges, online programs, global universities and high schools. Articles review campus life, student loans, testing and other related topics.
External Website: U.S. News & World Report
Maine Educational Opportunity Center/TRIO Program
What is the Maine Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC)?
"A federal education initiative established to promote access to post-secondary education for traditionally under-represented adult populations within the State of Maine. As part of it's pre-entry service, MEOC Advisors coordinate efforts with area schools, colleges, and other service agencies to provide information and assistance in completing college admission and financial aid forms. MEOC advisors can assess academic readiness, provide career counseling, and refer individuals to community resources.
MEOC is committed to assist any adult wishing to re-enter a formal education setting. Funded to serve traditionally under-represented adults, the majority of MEOC participants are of the first generation in their families to go to college."
What is the TRIO program?
"TRIO programs help students overcome class, social and cultural barriers to higher education. In support of this commitment, Congress established a series of programs to help low-income Americans enter college, graduate and move on to participate more fully in America's economic and social life. These Programs are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and are referred to as the TRIO Programs (initially just three programs)."
Maine Educational Opportunity Center
5713 Chadbourne Hall, Room 314
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5713
Phone: 1-800-281-3703
External Website: University of Maine
Maine College Transitions
Maine College Transition (MCT) offers programs for adults, in partnership with community colleges and the university system, leading to enrollment to post-secondary institutions. MCT includes career planning, academic preparation, financial aid assistance, college planning and Accuplacer testing. Courses are delivered through local adult education programs which are listed on this site.
External Website: Maine Department of Education
Next Step Maine (For Employees & Employers)
Next Step Maine's mission is to provide "Maine's public and private employers with informational assistance, resources, and training on strategies for providing educational support services in the workplace, and statewide recognition for taking steps to promote educational, skills, and career advancement opportunities for their employees."
External Website: Maine Development Foundation
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Visit this site to validate a school's matters! Other schools and employers will consider whether or not you received your education from an accredited school, one in candidacy status (pre-accreditation) or a non-accredited institution.
External Website: New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
"Stay in the Loop" Information Updates: E-Mail Notifications, Subscriptions, & Mobile Applications
Do you want to choose what you wish to stay informed about? Here are some options:
Maine Transition Assistance: E-mail Updates
Receive Maine job announcements as well as upcoming Maine military and veteran program and event notices. Add your e-mail address by contacting:
Ms. Wendy J. MoodyTransition Assistance Advisor-Maine
Office: 207.430.5778
Fax: 207.626.4218Addresses:DVEM
Camp Keyes
Augusta ME 04333-0032Skyline Ultd, Inc - Contractor
194 Winthrop Street
Augusta ME 04333
"Stall Talk" E-Flyer
Receive an e-flyer with quick announcements about Maine military and veteran activities and services. Add your e-mail address by contacting:
Kyra DarlingMilitary Family Assistance CenterWork: 207-430-5772Fax: 207-430-5783Family Assistance Line: 1-888-365-9287 E-mail: kyra.e.darling.ctr@mail.milWebsite: Family Program#33 State House StationAugusta, ME 04333 Notifications & Subscriptions news, alerts, and updates, are offered via a few free notification services. Subscribe to receive automatic e-mails for specific topics of interest, including veteran-specific, labor and other state department, news, weather, alerts, lottery numbers, foliage reports, and other updates.
Subscribe to RSS feeds to receive automatic updates for topics of interest, including news, weather, alerts, lottery numbers, and more. What is RSS? RSS is the acronym for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way to keep up with news and updates from a variety of websites without having to visit each site. You receive the information you choose to follow with automatic updates delivered to the electronic address you provide. RSS is becoming more popular and you'll find many sites now offering RSS feeds. was designed for mobile applications to make your experience fast and easy on any device. It is a responsive design offering on any screen size. Other online services and state agency websites continue to be developed into responsive, mobile-ready design.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): Events Portal
This VA portal offers online interactive chat events about VA benefits and services.
Student Veterans of America: Maine Chapters
Student Veterans of America is a nonprofit student veteran organization with a goal of supporting veteran success in post-secondary programs and contribute to civilian society in meaningful ways. They advocate and offer various leadership programs and scholarships in addition to partnering with others sharing common interests.
Maine Chapters
University of Maine at Orono (UMaine Orono)
168 College Avenue
Orono, Maine 04469
University of Maine-School of Law
59 Exeter St
Portland, Maine 04101
National Headquarters
Student Veterans Of America
1012 14th Street NW, Suite 1200
Washington D.C. 20005
Telephone: 202-223-4710
External Website: Student Veterans of America