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Map: Veteran Services in Maine Cities & Towns
This map offers a pictorial snapshot of federal and state veteran services in Maine cities and towns.
It should be noted that the Maine Veterans' Homes is a public, not-for-profit organization created by the 108th Maine legislature in July, 1977.
Map of Maine Veteran Services--Copyright Permission Received--25 Oct 2016
Maine VA Healthcare System: Phone Directory
This is the Maine VA online "A to Z" phone directory.
External Website: Maine VA Phone Directory
Maine VA Healthcare System: Your Personal Guide
Your Personal Guide to Maine VA Healthcare System is an online resource of contact, health care services, and benefits information. Eligibility and enrollment information for veterans with active duty, Reserves and Guard as well as OEF/OIF/OND combat veteran time is included.
VA Maine Healthcare System
Address1 VA Center
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-623-8411
Toll Free Phone: 1-877-421-8263
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Maine Healthcare System has a medical center located in Augusta and 11 outpatient clinics in the state.
External Website: Maine VA Personal Guide
Maine VA Healthcare System: Management Advisory Committee Meetings
Maine VA leadership hosts a quarterly veteran update. It begins with a video teleconference with the Veteran Integrated Services Network 1 (VISN 1) Director and other VISN 1 participants. The Maine VA Medical Center Director leads the follow-on meeting. Maine VA staff, including the Women Veterans Program Manager, Veteran Service Organizations, and other interested veteran agencies attend.
Meeting Dates: 1st Wednesday in February, May, August, and November (may be cancelled due to inclement weather)
Location: Maine VA, One VA Center, Augusta, Maine
Contact: Carol A. Rogers at Carol.Rogers2@va.gov
Maine VA Management Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes--4 Nov 2015
External Website: Maine VA Home Page
Maine Department of Health & Human Services: Veteran Resources
The Maine Department of Health and Human Resources posts and extensive list of programs and contact information titled "Resources for Maine Veterans, Soldiers, and Their Famlies."
- Chaplains
- Counseling Services
- Department of Veteran's Affairs Resources in Maine
- Education and Education Benefits Office
- Help for Families
- Hotlines
- Medication Information
- Mental Health
- Military Health Insurance
- Re-Employment Issues
- Vaccine Information
- Veterans Centers
- VA/Maine Veterans Services
External Website: Maine Department of Health and Human Services Veteran Resources
Outreach Materials: Women Veterans Health Care Toolkit
Need posters and brochures for outreach and networking? The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides an extensive public use-library at their Women Veterans Health Care "Outreach Materials" and "Latest Information Brochures and Publications" online outreach center.
External Website: VA Women Veteran's Health Care Outreach Toolkit
Rural Veteran Coordination Pilot (RCVP): Medical & Mental Health Assistance (September 15, 2014-September 14, 2016)
The Maine Department of Labor, through the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), help veterans learn about their benefits and coordinate with local partners to ensure veterans and their families receive them. The program duration was planned to be in place from September 15, 2014 to September 14, 2016. As of September 22, 2016 the Maine Department of Labor web page was still active. Call to inquire if benefits are still available.
If you are a veteran who transitioned from active military service to civilian life in Maine on or after August 26, 2012, you and your family may be eligible for assistance in one or more of the following areas:
Healthcare: Medical and mental health.
Other areas the program addresses are:
Education: Matching your skills with educational opportunities.
Employment: Job search and training assistance. A Flexible Employment Fund (FEF) of $200,000 has been created to help transitioning veterans and qualified family members overcome barriers to obtaining or retaining employment. These funds can be used for needs such as: car repairs, transportation, uniforms, tools necessary for a job, and other obstacles to employment.
If you live in Aroostook, Hancock, Knox, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington Counties:
Bangor CareerCenter: 561-4050 or 1-888-828-0568.
If you live in Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Lincoln, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and York Counties:
Greater Portland CareerCenter: 822-3300 or 1-877-594-5627.
The Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) is a partnership between the Maine Department of Labor, Department of Defense Veterans and Emergency Management/Bureau of Veterans Services, Maine Military and Community Network, Easter Seals Maine, and Northern Maine Development Commission.
External Website: Maine CareerCenter
"Stay in the Loop" Information Updates: E-Mail Notifications, Subscriptions, & Mobile Applications
Do you want to choose what you wish to stay informed about? Here are some options:
Maine Transition Assistance: E-mail Updates
Receive Maine job announcements as well as upcoming Maine military and veteran program and event notices. Add your e-mail address by contacting:
Ms. Wendy J. MoodyTransition Assistance Advisor-Maine
E-mail: wendy.j.moody2.ctr@mail.mil
Office: 207.430.5778
Fax: 207.626.4218
Camp Keyes
Augusta ME 04333-0032Skyline Ultd, Inc - Contractor
194 Winthrop Street
Augusta ME 04333
"Stall Talk" E-Flyer
Receive an e-flyer with quick announcements about Maine military and veteran activities and services. Add your e-mail address by contacting:
Kyra DarlingMilitary Family Assistance CenterWork: 207-430-5772Fax: 207-430-5783Family Assistance Line: 1-888-365-9287 E-mail: kyra.e.darling.ctr@mail.milWebsite: www.me.ngb.army.mil/familyAddress:DVEM Family Program#33 State House StationAugusta, ME 04333
Maine.gov: Notifications & Subscriptions
Maine.gov news, alerts, and updates, are offered via a few free notification services. Subscribe to receive automatic Maine.gov e-mails for specific topics of interest, including veteran-specific, labor and other state department, news, weather, alerts, lottery numbers, foliage reports, and other updates.
Subscribe to Maine.gov RSS feeds to receive automatic updates for topics of interest, including news, weather, alerts, lottery numbers, and more. What is RSS? RSS is the acronym for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way to keep up with news and updates from a variety of websites without having to visit each site. You receive the information you choose to follow with automatic updates delivered to the electronic address you provide. RSS is becoming more popular and you'll find many sites now offering RSS feeds.
Maine.gov was designed for mobile applications to make your experience fast and easy on any device. It is a responsive design offering Maine.gov on any screen size. Other online services and state agency websites continue to be developed into responsive, mobile-ready design.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): Events Portal
This VA portal offers online interactive chat events about VA benefits and services.
Thrive 2015: Rural Health Annual Report (Department of Veterans Affairs)
The 2015 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Rural Health's "Annual Report" states that there are 5.2 million veterans living in rural U.S. communities with more than 3 million relying on VA services. The states/territories with the highest percentage of rural veterans, in order of greatest to lowest percentage, are: Puerto Rico, Vermont, Montana, Maine, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
Thrive 2015: VA Office of Rural Health Annual Report
External Website: Department of Veterans Affairs