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Employment Preparation Assistance, Job Search Resources & Job Listings
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Employment & Training Assistance: For Veterans at Risk of or Experiencing Homelessness
If you or someone you know is a Maine veteran who at risk of or experiencing homelessness and is looking for work, Veterans Inc. can help! The Veterans Inc. Employment & Training team partners with educational institutions, local career centers, and area businesses to provide job search support, training, and placement.
Phone 24/7: 1.800.482.2565
More Information
Web Site:
Jobs in Maine
State, New England, and Nationwide Job Listings
Looking for a job in Maine? In New England? Nationwide? Or maybe you need some job seeking resources? Visit:
Job Announcements
Stay in the loop! Receive Maine job announcements as well as upcoming Maine military and veteran program and event notices. Add your e-mail address by contacting:
Ms. Wendy J. MoodyTransition Assistance Advisor-MaineE-mail: wendy.j.moody2.ctr@mail.milOffice: 207.430.5778Fax: 207.626.4218Addresses:
Camp Keyes
Augusta ME 04333-0032Skyline Ultd, Inc - Contractor
194 Winthrop Street
Augusta ME 04333
External Website:
Maine CareerCenters: Veterans Employment & Training Service Program
The Maine Department of Labor CareerCenters offer specialized employment and training services for veterans. If you served in the U.S. Armed Forces, a CareerCenter Representative can help you find a job, get new skills or access other state or federal resources available to veterans.
The Maine CareerCenters work hand-in-hand with the U.S. Department of Labor "Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS)" program to assist veterans transitioning into civilian life, finding a job or getting the training needed to get a job. This article provides a good review of the VETS program to include specific state-based services and other topics:
What is VETS?
Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)
Local Veterans Employment Program (LVER)
Training Assistance
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Guard and Reserves: Right to Return to Civilian Work
Preference in Hiring
Veterans' Affirmative Action
Getting Information
External Website: Maine CareerCenter
Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign: Check Job Listings and Follow Progress!
The Maine Department of Labor, through its statewide CareerCenter network, launches its annual 100-day “Hire-a-Vet Campaign” on Labor Day. Visit the site below for to register and where to go. This employment effort also assists eligible veteran spouses.
Previous year campaign results:
2017: 195 employers hired 296 veteran and military family member hires
2016: 147 employers hired 197 veterans
2015: 135 employers hired 259 veterans.
2016: 147 employers hired 197 veterans
2017: 196 employers hired 296 veterans
2018: 191 employers hired 286 veterans
2019: 254 employers hired 283 veterans
For more information, visit the Maine Department of Labor website and follow their Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign Facebook page.
External Website: Maine Department of Labor
Occupational & Professional Licensing in Maine: One-Stop Toolkit
Need an occupational or professional license or not sure if you do? Visit this site for:
- A list of occupations and professions requiring licenses.
- Contact information.
- License applications, renewals, and status of both.
- Laws and rules.
- Locator to find licensees.
External Website:
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RCVP): Job Search & Training Assistance
The Maine Department of Labor, through the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), help veterans learn about their benefits and coordinate with local partners to ensure veterans and their families receive them. The program duration was planned to be in place from September 15, 2014 to September 14, 2016. As of September 22, 2016 the Maine Department of Labor web page was still active. Call to inquire if benefits are still available.
If you are a veteran who transitioned from active military service to civilian life in Maine on or after August 26, 2012, you and your family may be eligible for assistance in one or more of the following areas:
Employment: Job search and training assistance. A Flexible Employment Fund (FEF) of $200,000 has been created to help transitioning veterans and qualified family members overcome barriers to obtaining or retaining employment. These funds can be used for needs such as: car repairs, transportation, uniforms, tools necessary for a job, and other obstacles to employment.
Other areas the program addresses are:
Healthcare: Medical and mental health.
Education: Matching your skills with educational opportunities.
If you live in Aroostook, Hancock, Knox, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington Counties:
Bangor CareerCenter: 561-4050 or 1-888-828-0568.
If you live in Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Lincoln, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and York Counties:
Greater Portland CareerCenter: 822-3300 or 1-877-594-5627.
The Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) is a partnership between the Maine Department of Labor, Department of Defense Veterans and Emergency Management/Bureau of Veterans Services, Maine Military and Community Network, Easter Seals Maine, and Northern Maine Development Commission.
External Website: Maine CareerCenter
Veterans Employment and Training Services (Department of Labor): Veteran & Employer Resources
What is the Veterans Employment & Traning Services (VETS)?
Veterans and employers can learn more about the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) program at this site or by contacting the Department of Labor's representative in Maine. VETS assists veterans transitioning into civilian life, finding a job or getting the training needed for a job. Employers can get answers to their questions regarding veteran employees as well access the VETS hiring toolkit.
The following topics are covered at the link provided above:
- What is VETS?
- Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)
- Local Veterans Employment Program (LVER)
- Training Assistance
- Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
- Guard and Reserves: Right to Return to Civilian Work
- Preference in Hiring
- Veterans' Affirmative Action
- Getting Information
Maine Contact
Name: Debbie J. Kelly
Phone: 207-753-9089
Fax: 207-783-5304
E-Mail: kelly.debbie.j@dol.govAddress:
U.S. Department of Labor
Veterans' Employment and Training Service
5 Mollison Way Suite 104
Lewiston, Maine 04240
External Website: Department of Labor
Visit "WomenVetsUSA National Employment Pages: Resume & Interview Preparation, Career Planning & Job Listings
Be sure to visit the "WomenVetsUSA national employment pages" for a comprehensive listing of information and tools to help you prepare for and find a job.