Tracking Tools
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Government 101: Project Vote Smart
Government 101 by Project Vote Smart is an informative, practical and easy tutorial intended to help refresh your knowledge about the American political system by providing useful information about Congress, political parties, campaign finance, the Constitution, elections, state government and much more.
External Website: Vote Smart
Videos: The Legislative Process
These nine brief videos review the general process by which a bill becomes law. The presentations on specific topics present a more detailed look at each of the common stages through which a bill may move. However, the process will not necessarily follow the same sequence of congressional stages and may vary from bill to bill.
External Website: Congress.gov
Library of Congress (Congress.gov)
Congress.gov is the official U.S. federal legislative information website. It provides accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. The Library of Congress (LOC) uses data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service. Congress.gov is usually updated the morning after a session adjourns.
External Website: The Library of Congress
BillTrack50 is available for everyone to research state and federal legislation and legislators any time. The goal of LegiNation, Inc. is to make state level legislation more readily available to the professionals who need it, and even more importantly, to the public.
External Website: BillTrack50
MegaVote (Congress.org)
This site offers the ability to track your federal Senators' and Representatives' votes by e-mail with MegaVote, send e-mail to your members of Congress using pre-addressed forms, and review legislation with time to e-mail input before they vote. Additionally, news and information about advocating is presented in "Advocacy 101."
External Website: Congress.org
You can browse and track bills in Congress, your representative's voting records, upcoming committee meetings, and get alerts by email. Information about Congressional membership and Committees is also available. It educates you about the legislative process in easily understood language as you use it.
External Website: GovTrack
LegiScan One Vote
LegiScan One Vote is a forever free public service for concerned individuals tracking their home state and Congressional legislation. This service includes a personal monitoring list with saved searches from the national legislative search engine, private RSS feeds to stay informed, and monitored email alerts. You can also create simple dynamic reports to share others.
External Website: LegiScan
State Tracking Tools
Check for state-specific legislation tracking tools on the WomenVetsUSA state website pages. In 2017, only Maine is accessible.
(There are no states tracking tools listed at this time.)