Look & Listen
There's a wealth of video and audio files exploring opportunities and challenges faced in the past, experienced today, and likely to be addressed in the future while in, transitioning from, and out of military service.
Visit the WomenVetsUSA national "Video & Audio" page for more links.
“#GoSilent” at 3:00 p.m. Local Time on Memorial Day: 33 Fallen Service Members June 2018-May 2019
Video: 05/27/19
view at: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) »
Thirty-three volunteer service members lost their lives in overseas conflicts June 2018-May 2019. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) invite all to join them in a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time every Memorial Day. The IAVA “#GoSilent” campaign began in 2011.
Maine Delegation Joins VA Secretary Wilkie and Governor Mills at Maine Veterans’ Homes Groundbreaking
Video: 04/19/19
view at: WAGM 8 »
Maine Veterans’ Homes host their groundbreaking ceremony for the new Augusta, Maine home. The 44-acre facility will have 138 private rooms with private baths.
Sign Up Online for a Veterans ID Card: Here’s How.
Video: 10/29/18
view at: Department of Veterans Affairs »
VAntage Point, a Department of Veterans Affairs blog, published the following guidance on how veterans can apply for their ID card.
"Veterans with honorable service can apply for the Veterans Identification Card (VIC) to use as proof of military service.
"The new Veterans Identification Card provides a safer and more convenient and efficient way for most Veterans to show proof of service," said VA secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin when the card was launched. "With the card, Veterans with honorable service to our nation will no longer need to carry around their paper DD-214s to obtain Veteran discounts and other services."
If you already have a photo ID issued by the Department of Defense or a Veterans Health ID, you don't need the new card. To request a VIC, Veterans must visit vets.gov, click on "Sign In" in the top right hand corner and establish an ID.me account. Once the Veteran verifies their identity they may request to "Apply for the Veteran ID Card." Watch the video above for more information."
State Veterans’ Bureau Releases New Video on Veteran Suicide Prevention and Awareness
Video: 10/04/18
view at: Maine.gov »
The Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services (MBVS) released a video to raise awareness of veteran suicides during Suicide Awareness Month and to connect veterans to mental health resources. Acting MBVS Director, Dave Richmond, noted that the Maine veteran suicide rate is higher than the regional, national and general population rates. Nationally, up to 20 veterans take their lives each day of which only 6 are enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs. (Bangor Daily News)
Brochure: Mental Health Care for Maine Veterans (FY 2-18 Pilot Program)
Hire-A-Vet Campaign to Kick-Off in September
Video: 08/25/16
view at: WABI TV5 »
The Maine Department of Labor along with their sponsors kick off their second "Hire-A-Vet" campaign on September 1st. The 2016 Hire-A-Vet campaign goal is at least 100 employers commiting to hire 100 veterans in 100 days.
The kick off event will be at the Augusta Armory, 179 Western Avenue, Augusta, Maine. In 2015, 135 employers hired 259 veterans.
After Decades Avoiding the Water, Amputee Invents His Way to Dive Back In
Video: 04/28/16
view at: WCSH 6 »
Randy and Lori Lord of Danforth, Maine dedicated decades to developing a prosthetic to aid amputees to swim in their home kitchen. At one point they thought about giving up, but veterans returning from Iraq sparked their interest to continue. Today, they ship their "AMP FIN" worldwide. It is manufactured in Maine, they have a U.S. patent and are applying for country patents. They hope to open nationwide stores, managed exclusively by veterans.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month: No Matter What (Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
Video: 04/19/16
view at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOLRPkPK1VQ »
The Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA) published "No Matter What" video for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2016. The video offers support and contact information to victims/survivors.
Governor Visits Maple Veterans' Sunday
Video: 04/03/16
view at: WCSH 6 »
Ireland Hill Farms in Swanville is a veteran-owned business. Jerry Ireland hosted Maple Sunday a week late, celebrating the grand opening of the first store in Maine to sell "Homegrown by Heroes" products with Governor LePage attending in the ribbon cutting ceremony. These products support Maine veteran farmers. They've grown from 20 to 140 participating farms in just the last year.
Women Veterans Connect at Healing Oasis Retreat
Video: 03/20/16
view at: WABI TV 5 »
Several women veterans connected this weekend at the first-ever retreat for women veterans held at the Green Gem Holistic Healing Oasis in Bangor. The two-day event included hands-on activities, relaxation techniques like yoga, as well as an opportunity to get to know each other. Candace Green and others who organized and supported the retreat hope to host more events for women veterans in the future.
Bowlers, Veterans Come Together for K9s on the Front Line
Video: 03/03/16
view at: WMTV 8 ABC »
More than $15,000 was raised at the "K9s on the Front Line" bowling fundraiser at Easy Day in South Portland. The organization partners Maine combat veterans with rescued shelter dogs and then, trains them together for 16 weeks. Last fall they only held one training session and this winter they have several sessions happening across Maine.
One Warrior Won Uses Recreational Activities to Help Veterans Reacclimate to Civilian Life
Video: 02/29/16
view at: WCSH 6 »
After an attempted suicide and dealing with PTSD silently for years, Rich Brewer, a Marine, started the "One Warrior Won" program which is located in Portland, Maine. Rich was serving in Beirut when 299 were killed in a 1983 bombing. His program brings together those with shared experiences and intends to build camaraderie and strength among those who have served.
Boys & Girls Club Children March to Remember Fallen Maine Veterans
Video: 02/27/16
view at: WLBZ 2 »
As part of the "Summit Project," a Maine-based nonprofit, the South Portland Boys & Girls Club paid tribute to post-9/11 fallen heroes. As the children marched through South Portland, they carried stones engraved with the names of fallen Maine service members.
'There Are No Requirements': Service Dog Misrepresentation a Growing Problem
Video: 02/25/16
view at: WMTW 8 »
In Maine, the misrepresentation of service dogs has become a significant issue that the state legislature tasked a panel to find a way to resolve it. Under Maine law, emotional-support animals or companion dogs are not legally considered service animals. This month, the task force submitted a 103-page report for the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry for their review.
Veteran Caregiver Gives Back
Video: 02/21/16
view at: WLBZ2 Bangor »
Melanie Swoboda, wife of veteran Joseph Swoboda, is Joseph's caregiver and an Elizabeth Dole Foundation Fellow. Melanie advocates on behalf of the thousands of veteran caregivers, raising awareness about their needs, the challenges their families face, and the resources that would help them day to day.
Vet to Vet: Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging
Video: 02/17/16
view at: YouTube "Vet to Vet" Program »
The Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging (SMAAA) "Vet to Vet" initiative connects veterans with military service, noncombat and combat, with other military veterans in need of a friendly visitor who live at home not in a healthcare facility, in York and Cumberland counties. SMAAA gives priority to homebound veterans and those with disabilities.
If interested in volunteering, you will need to fill out the enrollment form, meet with SMAA staff for an interview, provide references, attend the 9-hour training course, and pass a background check. See "WomenVetsUSA Maine Events" for scheduled training.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Susan Gold
Phone: 207-396-6521
E-mail: volunteer@smaaa.org or sgold@smaaa.org
Sign up on line: www.smaaa.org
Report Recommends Improvements for Maine Veteran Services
Video: 02/01/16
view at: WCHS 6 »
A special commission report was released estimating that nearly 50% of Maine's veterans are not using services available to them. Amongst the recommendations were improving communications of benefits, making transportation available, and assisting homeless veterans. Budget recommendations are forthcoming.
Report: Commission to Strengthen and Align the Services Offered to Maine's Veterans
Eddington Woman's Gift for Vets Gives Back
Video: 01/21/16
view at: WCSH 6 Portland »
Through the Maine Veterans Project, Linda Smith, donated a vehicle to a woman veteran in need of transportation. As it turned out, the Maine Veterans Project was able to also assist Linda whose husband was a World War II veteran. Black Bear Medical in Bangor provided her with a power recliner chair to help her stand up. For more information about the Maine Veterans Project, visit their website at: www.maineveteransproject.org.
Specially Trained Service Dogs Helping Maine's Veterans
Video: 01/07/16
view at: WMTW 8 ABC »
Maine veterans receive certified service dogs thanks to the efforts of Maine K-9 officers. Portland police officer Christian Stickney developed the 16-week curriculum. Recently, veteran Sam Raymond gratefully received Gracie who learned special commands.
Fraud Affects Every Community: Debt Collection
Video: 01/07/16
view at: You Tube »
Pine Tree Legal Assistance partnered with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to share this veteran's story about his experience with lawsuits by third party debt collectors that he did not know. Since 2012, Pine Tree Legal has been representing veterans and non-veterans in debt collection cases with great success.
When Bryan left the military, his transition was chaotic. He moved frequently and worked multiple jobs. He began receiving debt collector calls about the time his life was settling down. With Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Bryan confronted the debt collectors head on.
Contact Pine Tree Legal Assistance if you or someone you know is being contacted by debt collectors.
Maine Veterans Carving Out New Careers in Farming
Video: 11/11/15
view at: WCSH 6 »
Veterans in Maine are taking an interest in farming as are veterans around the nation. Jerry Ireland met two other veterans invested in farming who helped him get started with his new business. Jerry is also active in a Maine chapter of the "Farmer Veteran Coalition." A joint USDA and Department of Defense program offers loans and grants to veterans interested in farming (http://www.outreach.usda.gov)
The Bureau of Veterans Services Announces Maine Veterans’ Legacy Project
Video: 11/03/15
view at: WABI TV 5 »
All Maine veterans are encouraged to participate in this project to record and archive Maine veterans' histories. The project will also record stories from civilians who supported veterans, family members affected by their service, war industry workers, medical volunteers, troop greeters, and others. The Maine Veterans' Legacy Project is one of over 450 national and local partners collaborating with the Library of Congress (LOC) and its Veterans History Project to archive information. The LOC's project partners are posted at www.loc.gov/veterans.
Contact Laura Allen at the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services at 207-430-5816 or mainebvs@maine.gov for more information.
Disabled American Veterans Seeks Volunteer Drivers
Video: 09/29/15
view at: WABI TV 5 »
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) provides transportation to more than 5,000 veterans to and from the Maine VA Togus Medical Center. The DAV drivers log in hundreds of thousands of miles across the state, relying on volunteer drivers. Today there are 15 vans and they need more drivers who have the time and can pass a background check and the physical standards requirement.
Informational Videos for Maine Veterans
Video: 08/26/15
view at: Maine CareerCenter »
The Lewiston, Maine CareerCenter staff produce a cable access television show highlighting veteran services. "Changing L.I.V.E.S. (Local Info for Veterans Employment & Services) videos," offers monthly features.
Togus Gives Progress on Caring for Maine Veterans
Video: 08/03/15
view at: WMTW 8 »
Maine Department of Veterans Affairs (Maine VA) administrators stated that the needs of Maine veterans continue to be met nearly a year after the national scandal rocked the Department of Veterans Affairs nationwide. Maine VA currently has 50,000 veterans enrolled of which 85% will receive care in 2014. More staff and updated technology are critical to meet patient demand. Medical Center Director Ryan Lilly stated: "Our access is very good here in the state of Maine. It is not perfect."
‘You feel so isolated’: Maine Veteran Talks About Life at Home After 2 Tours
Video: 05/15/15
view at: Bangor Daily News »
Former Army Reserve Spc. David T. Aston II, a 2009 Bangor High School graduate with two overseas tours, thought coming home would be a breeze. It wasn't as easy a transition as he thought it would be.
New Director Of Maine Veterans’ Services Bureau Named
Video: 02/16/15
view at: WABI TV »
Adria Horn will be the new Director of Maine Veterans' Services. Brig. Gen. James Campbell, Commissioner of the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, says in a statement that "Horn is exactly the right person to take over the bureau at this time." Adria is a Westpoint graduate, Army Reservist major with five deployments, and currently serving on Senator Collins' staff.
Riding My Way Back
Video: 10/30/14
view at: University of Maine »
The University of Maine describes "RIDING MY WAY BACK," as "a short documentary, chronicles one soldier's journey back from the brink of suicide. In 2010, Staff Sergeant Aaron Heliker returned from multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At his most desperate and isolated, on 42 medications and suicidal, Aaron is introduced to the unlikeliest of saviors: a horse named Fred. Through caring for Fred, Aaron begins the difficult process of reconnecting to the world around him and healing the invisible wounds of war that nearly defeated him."
Podcast: Services & Benefits for Maine Women Veterans
Audio: 05/09/14
hear at: AARP Senior Talk »
The Maine VA Women Veterans Program Manager and Regional Office Benefits Director along with a Maine women veteran advocate joined Carol Higgins-Taylor on her AARP-sponsored Senior Talk radio broadcast to share what services and benefits are available to Maine women veterans.
A Matter of Duty
Video: 11/08/13
view at: MPBN »
MPBN states that "A Matter of Duty" details Kennebec Sheriff Randy Liberty's personal battle with PTSD and several veterans in his charge at the Kennebec County Jail. Liberty's honesty about his own condition and his efforts to help other veterans vividly depicts the continuing impact of war on the men and women who have served our country." Roxane Montgomery, a Gulf War veteran and Military Sexual Assault survivor, also shared her story of being assaulted by two U.S. soldiers on an American base. She struggles with anger, drinking, and has returned to jail.
A Matter of Duty
Video: 08/13/13
view at: YouTube »
MPBN states that "A Matter of Duty" details Kennebec Sheriff Randy Liberty's personal battle with PTSD and several veterans in his charge at the Kennebec County Jail. Liberty's honesty about his own condition and his efforts to help other veterans vividly depicts the continuing impact of war on the men and women who have served our country." Roxane Montgomery, a Gulf War veteran and Military Sexual Assault survivor, also shared her story of being assaulted by two U.S. soldiers on an American base. She struggles with anger, drinking, and returned to jail in a more violent condition.