
Advocacy/Outreach News

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2017 National Women Veterans Summit in Houston, TX August 25, 2017 Only (August 26th Cancelled Due to Hurricane)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is hosting a national women veterans summit in Houston, Texas on August 25, 2017. The summit intends to provide a venue for women veterans, caregivers, private industry, nonprofit organizations, government, innovators, and researchers to identify challenges, opportunities, and best practices to inform future health and benefits for women with military service. Training, information, and guidance about navigating VA and community resources will also be offered.

Women veterans share many of the same challenges as male veterans along with some differing experiences. Today 10% of veterans are women and expected to increase to 15% by 2030. They are younger and more ethnically diverse than their male peers.

The VA's most recent women veterans summit was hosted in Washington D.C. in 2011.

IAVA "She Who Borne the Battle Campaign"

Monday, March 20, 2017 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America veteran service organization launched their "She who Borne the Battle" campaign on March 20, 2017 to recognize and improve services for women with military service. Their effort is a 4-phased initiative that includes securing sponsors for the Deborah Sampson Act (S. 681).

VA Report: The Past, Present and Future of Women Veterans (February 2017)

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics released this February 2017 report: "The Past, Present and Future of Women Veterans."

SWAN Releases 1st Annual Survey of Service Women & Women Veterans

Monday, November 14, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) released its first annual "Survey of Service Women and Women Veterans" today. More than 1,200 people, including nearly 1,000 service women and women veterans of all ranks and services from all 50 states participated in the survey. Judy Patterson, the SWAN CEO, noted that they will be sharing the results with other veteran organizations. The survey will guide SWAN's future initiatives. The SWAN website notes: "The survey results were released during the first day of SWAN’s planning summit, which is bringing together a select group of service women, women veterans and subject matter experts to conduct deep dives into four categories that closely echo the survey: Service Women, Women Veterans, Public Education and Awareness, and Building a Sense of Community. The survey will be used to drive discussion and inform conclusions offered by the working groups during the planning summit." The survey broke out the top three 2016 personal and community challenges for service women and women veterans, provided additional insights regarding gender bias in the military, public awareness of service, media inclusion, and the need for stronger communities of women with military service.

The "State of Women Veterans" Campaign Focuses on Issues Impacting Women Veterans

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

An opportunity for your voice to be heard! In a recent VAntage Blog article, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Center for Women Veterans Director, Kayla Williams, shared: "...VA is launching a “State of Women Veterans” social media campaign. For the next 10 weeks, we will provide weekly segments to explore issues impacting women Veterans and what we are doing to support women Veterans as they face these issues. This campaign aims to start new conversations—online and within communities—about the current state of Women Veterans with regard to education, housing, employment, health and more; raise awareness about VA care and benefits; and encourage partnerships. In collaboration with Women Veterans Interactive (WVI)–and with your help–we can raise public awareness of women Veterans’ military and societal contributions and inform women Veterans about accessing the VA benefits they have earned and deserve." Read this article to find out how you can participate in this national discussion.

Record Numbers of Female Vets Strain System

Sunday, August 14, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

Today, 360,000 women use Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical services...the number is expected to double. About 17.4 percent of them are post-9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. This article discusses the challenges women with military service face during and after serving the military. Topics include access to gender-specific care in the VA, which has improved in the past decade, employment, parenthood, and the public's awareness of women's combat and combat experience.

Military Women Take Key Roles at the Party Conventions

Wednesday, July 27, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

Women veterans spoke at both the Republican and Democratic conventions. They highlighted their pride in serving their country. National advocates emphasized that until women are recognized as veterans, they'll continue to face challenges in availability and access to veteran services and benefits.

Focusing on Women Veterans at VFW National Convention

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

Women veterans' health care and benefits was the focus of a panel at the 117th Veterans of Foreign Wars convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina July 23-27, 2016. The VFW's Women's Advisory Team, three former VFW state commanders and the Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans Director and the Deputy Chief Consultant Women Health Services participated in a panel discussion. The Department of Veterans Affairs staff left with at least seven concerns.

Legion Extends Women Veterans Survey to August 18, 2016

Monday, July 18, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The American Legion extended its deadline for its survey of women veterans to August 18, 2016. To date 1900 women with military experience have participated. Survey results are used to inform the American Legion on recommendations to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Congress, and enhance public awareness of women's military service. Your voice matters...encourage others to take the survey...make a difference for women who served in the military...past, present, and future!

7th Annual Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America Members' Survey

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 | Category: Advocacy/Outreach - National

The 7th Annual Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) Members' Survey results were recently published. IAVA states: "IAVA's annual member survey is one of the largest non-governmental surveys of Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans and is the most comprehensive, asking about employment, education, benefits, health and other emerging issues." Results specific to women veterans is summarized on page 11 of the report.

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