Hazing News
Why A Zero-Tolerance Military Hazing Policy May Not Be Effective
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 | Category: Hazing - National
Adam Linehan, an Army Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, concluded: "A smarter, more realistic approach to overhauling the system is both necessary and not at all difficult to execute." Service members are "smoked" by other service members as a means of discipline. Some committed suicide afterwards.
Report: Hazing fuels male-on-male sex assaults
Friday, May 1, 2015 | Category: Hazing - National
The military's 2014 sexual assault report to Congress was the result of RAND research. Military men suffered more sexual assaults last year than women. Many were male-on-male assaults stemming from hazing incidents rather than sexual aggression and victims more often experienced multiple sexual assault incidents throughout the year at the hands of multiple offenders in daytime hours in their duty locations.
Military Hazing Has Got to Stop
Friday, August 3, 2012 | Category: Hazing - National
Representative Judy Chu, California's 32d Congressional District, lost a nephew to suicide after a hazing incident. After another hazing that ended in suicide in 2011, she wrote an OP-ED with this conclusion: 'Our military doesn’t have to abuse its own to be strong. We want to have the most capable and most advanced armed forces in the world. But as long as the military allows the young people we send to war to be hazed by their fellow soldiers without consequence, we won’t. The military must make it clear that hazing is absolutely unacceptable and that perpetrators will be severely punished. We must protect those who protect us.'