Military Justice News
News: Protect Our Defenders
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 | Category: Military Justice - National
The "Protect Our Defenders News Blog" posts news relative to their day-to-day work with the "women and men in uniform who have been raped or sexually assaulted by fellow service members. Protect Our Defenders seeks to fix the military training, investigation and adjudication systems related to sexual violence and harassment--systems that often re-victimize assault survivors by blaming them while failing to hold perpetrators accountable."
They work with survivors, have an in-depth understanding of military process and procedure, and respectfully work with others to promote change from within. It is their belief that "it is a human right to work and live in a safe and respectful environment and fostering this environment within the military’s ranks will make the military more effective. Whether advocating for reform, filing a legal brief, providing legal support, or coordinating peer support for survivors; each project and activity manifests POD’s core values."
Nancy Parrish, Founder & CEO, is a human rights activist, philanthropist, and investor. POD President, Don Christensen, Colonel, USAF (Ret.) served as chief prosecutor for the United States Air Force between 2010 and 2014. He served as a trial counsel, defense counsel or military judge for every year of his 23-year career in the United States Air Force. His full bio is posted on the POD site.
Need to Know: These New UCMJ Laws Start Jan. 1, 2019
Tuesday, January 1, 2019 | Category: Military Justice - International
Amy Bushatz reported the following in her Military.com article:
“A series of sweeping reforms and updates to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) kick in on Jan. 1, 2019, including the addition of some crimes, an expansion of victims' rights and standardizing the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers on some military bases.
Many of the changes, which stemmed in part from Joint Chiefs of Staff recommendations made in 2013, were ordered in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Put into policy early this year through an executive order from President Donald Trump, they bring what Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee during the 2017 NDAA process, called the "most significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice since it was enacted six decades ago."”
Comprehensive Resource Center for the Military Justice Improvement Act
Monday, December 31, 2018 | Category: Military Justice - National
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand posts a continuum of information including legislative actions regarding sexual assault, harassment and retaliation within the United States military.
Advocate for Military Sexual Assaults Back Clinton
Thursday, August 18, 2016 | Category: Military Justice - National
Nancy Parrish, Founder and CEO of "Protect Our Defenders," meets with the "Stars and Stripes." She shares insight on her personal and professional background and how it influenced her decision to champion "Protect Our Defenders" mission to end the epidemic of sexual assault and rape in the United States military. She received Atlanta's Georgia Institute of Technology "Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage" this year, which recognizes individuals "who act to improve the human condition, often in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges." Ms. Parrish donated the $100,000 prize to "Protect Our Defenders."
Pentagon Proposes First Changes to UCMJ in 30 Years
Monday, March 28, 2016 | Category: Military Justice - National
Two years ago, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel ordered the Department of Defense to review their Uniform Code of Military Justice when sexual assaults in the military gained much public attention and Congressional demands for reform. These are the first Pentagon-recommended changes in over 30 years with previous changes Congressionally mandated. More transparency is inherent in the revisions. Retired Air Force former top prosecutor Don Christensen, now president of Protect Our Defenders, the sexual-assault victim advocacy group, believes "that the proposal was an effort to abort even more sweeping changes, in particular stripping the chain of command from its prosecutorial and judicial role in the military justice system. The proposed legislation would leave military commanders to still determine which cases go to court-martial, what charges will be brought against a defendant, whether to cut a deal, and whether to grant clemency after conviction."
Department of Defense Forwards to Congress Proposed Changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Monday, December 28, 2015 | Category: Military Justice - National
In October 2013, former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel directed the review of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and its implementation in the Manual for Courts-Martial. The proposal includes recommendations of the Military Justice Review Group. The Group conducted a detailed analysis of each article of the UCMJ, including the historical background of the UCMJ, current practice, and comparison to federal civilian law. The Department of Defense (DOD) forwarded their proposed legislation to Congress, including 37 statutory additions and substantive amendments to 68 current provisions of the UCMJ. The DOD’s proposal is the first comprehensive military justice reform package submitted to Congress in more than 30 years.
Military Injustice: Politics, Machismo, Structural Defects
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 | Category: Military Justice - National
This opinion article highlights the vulnerability of the military justice system to inappropriate Congressional pressure. USAF Lt. Col. Rachel Van Landingham (ret.) notes that the "generals and admirals in whom the greatest prosecutorial and quasi-judicial authority is vested not only must be confirmed by the Senate for their next promotion, but three and four-star generals must receive Senate approval for their next assignment as well. This approval process starts, and can easily end, in the Senate Armed Services Committee." She suggests that Congress enact reform that instills transparency and accountability into prosecutorial discretion in the military vice unlawfully influencing individual cases.
Air Force Veteran Joins Columbia College Board
Monday, December 21, 2015 | Category: Military Justice - National
Retired Air Force Lt General Richard Harding joined Columbia College’s Board of Trustees. He noted that while in the Air Force, he was most proud of his work on policies regarding representation for military sexual assault victims and laws of war. He currently lives in Columbia, Missouri.
McCaskill Discusses Sexual Violence Efforts with Fort Leonard Wood Leader
Thursday, April 23, 2015 | Category: Military Justice - National
Russell Strand, the Chief of the Behavioral Sciences Education and Training Division of the Military Police School at Fort Leonard Wood met with U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill to discuss strategies to combat sexual violence. He is a pioneer of victim-centered interview strategies allowing investigators to effectively collect evidence without re-traumatizing victims.
Changes to Sexual Assault Investigations
Monday, April 20, 2015 | Category: Military Justice - National
Article 32 hearings was one of the most significant changes involving how allegations of sexual offenses are investigated. Article 32 hearings are the military's version of grand jury proceedings. These changes were included in the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2014, which took effect December 26, 2014.