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U.S. Census Bureau Report Number ACSBR/15-03/August 30, 2017: Characteristics of Female Veterans-An Analytic View Across Age-Cohorts: 2015

Category: Demographics

  1. This report examines the transition of female veterans from the military to civilian life.  The report’s “Introduction” states:  “As women who served in the armed forces transition from military to civilian life, differences between veterans and their nonveteran counterparts exist. In some cases, these differences may linger for some time as they age.  This segment of veterans is one of the highest priority groups of interest of both the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor.1Female veterans are a small subpopulation of both veterans and civilian women as a whole, making them an often under-studied population. In 2015, 1.6 million women were veterans of the armed forces. They accounted for 8.4 percent of the total veteran population and 1.2 percent of the total adult female population. Eighty-two percent of all female veterans were of working-age (18 to 64 years old), compared with 79.0 percent of all nonveteran women.“

External Website:
United States Census Bureau